Plant pollinator habitat at home
Wanting to add more pollinator habitat at home? Look no further: native plant seed packets are available again in Petersburg! You can find displays at the Petersburg Public Library, 1st and 3rd Boutique, the Talisman, and the Crazy Daisy Gift Shop. This year we are offering 13 colorful species collected from the plantings on Petersburg’s square, Historic Wayside Park and our members’ own gardens and prairies. The packets are free, but we welcome donations that support Menard County Trails & Greenways. The displays will be restocked until we run out!
Wondering how to choose?
Check out blog posts highlighting the available species:
Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Purple Prairie Clover, Golden Alexanders
Small Yellow Wild Indigo, Butterfly Milkweed, Blue Star
Black-eyed Susan, Rattlesnake Master, Purple Coneflower
Swamp Milkweed, Sneezeweed, Aromatic aster
We’ve added one new species to the mix this year: Wild quinine. More on that species soon!
Wondering how to plant them?
Follow the detailed planting instructions on the back of each packet, and check out this blog post with instructions on the winter sowing method. Also– watch for an announcement about upcoming winter sowing workshops where we’ll have these species and many more to share!