Protecting the Earth for our Young Ones

earth day artworkWe owe it to future generations to follow the advice Sara gives us all in her drawing. Let’s all pitch in for Petersburg on Saturday, April 27th. Meet at Hurie Park a 9:00 AM to sign-in and pick up supplies (trash bags, gloves, etc).

For planning purposes, please RSVP here. 


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Petersburg Mayor Signs Earth Day Proclamation 

Earth Day was established in 1970, and is an annual, worldwide event to raise awareness about issues affecting our land, air, and water.  On April 2nd, Petersburg Mayor Rick Snyder signed a proclamation encouraging businesses, organizations, and individuals to participate in a city-wide litter clean-up on Earth Day, April 22, 2021, and throughout the year, to make Petersburg and Menard County Communities healthy and environmentally friendly. Continue reading “Petersburg Mayor Signs Earth Day Proclamation “