Pollinator Waystation at Wayside Planted
Last year, Trails & Greenways received a donation from Menard Electric and Co-Bank to rehabilitate the exiting planting at the Wayside Park Council Circle with a new Pollinator Waystation. It was our intention of getting the planting installed in late April or early May. But, between the cool, wet spring and Covid-19, the planting was delayed by over a month!
Finally, on Friday, June 12th, with temps in the high-80s, six of us planted, mulched and watered-in 100s of tiny plants representing 23 species. Adding to the existing plants, the circle now contains 43 native species that provide food and/or nectar for pollinators.
Volunteers have returned twice since the planting to water the plants. Many thanks to Guy and Edie Sternberg of Starhill nursery for the use of the their truck and 250-gallon water tank, and for their generous contribution of Starhill staff labor for both planting and watering!! Many thanks to Chris Rudin for helping with the planting and for the use of his drill. We never could have dug the hundreds of planting holes without it!
Next, we’ll be working on signage and a brochure for the Waystation. Once Covid-19 has released it’s grip, we’ll be hosting a gathering at Wayside to celebrate the new planting, as well as the rescued Red Hawthorn. Stay tuned!
Thanks goes to Alana McKean for her role as species advisor and liaison with the grower; Edie Sternberg for her knowledge of original Council Circle plantings and planting advice, Guy Sternberg and Starhill Arboretum for providing labor, tools, truck and water tank; to Starhill staff and interns; Terra Ozenkoski, owner of Fromm’s Nursery; and last but not least, to Trails & Greenways volunteers, Chris Rudin (and his mighty drill), Mike Wiant and Terri Treacy.