Let Our Voices Be Heard — Build a Dedicated Hike & Bike Path Linking New Salem Historic Site with Petersburg
For years Trails & Greenways has advocated for a safe hike / bike path linking New Salem State Historic Site with Petersburg. The time has arrived to ensure this goal is finally realized. Next Tuesday, June 21 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at PORTA high school, the Illinois Department of Transportation will be hosting an open house public meeting about roadway improvements to IL 97 and IL 123 from New Salem through Petersburg. The meeting will provide exhibits and maps for viewing, and IDOT representatives and consultants from the engineering firm of Thouvenot, Wade and Moerchen will be available to answer questions and gather public input about the project. It’s…
Trash Taskforce: Good Clean Fun
Join the Menard County Trails and Greenways (MCTG) and Petersburg Athletic Association’s (PAA) Trash Taskforce as we clean up litter around Petersburg! We will pick up litter at several parks and spaces around town on Saturday, April 2, from 9:30 – 11am (Rain Date: April 9 or 10 – TBD). We need your help! Meet at Hurie Park (just east of County Market) to register and pick up supplies. We will be clearing out litter from the parks and surrounding vacant lots. Whether you have 30 minutes or a full hour, every little bit counts! To thank you for helping to keep our community clean, and on a first-come, first-serve…
Partnership with Broadgauge Establishes Menard County Forest Fund
Menard County Trails & Greenways has entered into a partnership with Broadgauge that is dedicated to beautifying our community by planting and preserving native trees on public lands in Petersburg and Menard County.
MCTG provides public comment on City of Springfield’s amended Supplemental Water Supply Project
On July 1, 2021 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a Public Notice addressing the City of Springfield’s amended Supplemental Water Supply Project. MCTG submitted the following public comment letter. The project’s initial proposal was to build Hunter Lake Reservoir to the southeast of Springfield Lake as an auxiliary water supply. Springfield subsequently requested an additional Purpose & Need of the project to include Aquatic Recreation. Per National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) requirements a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) is being prepared to address the addition of Purpose and Need of Aquatic Resources. Under NEPA, the SEIS must evaluate all appropriate and reasonable alternatives, including, among other things, “Use of…
MCTG Comments on State Water Plan
Last month we posted Public Access to Illinois Waterways, that the Illinois Department of Natural Resources was working on the development of a revised State Water Plan, and announced the opportunity for the public to review the recommendations and provide feedback. Menard County Trails & Greenways provided the following comments. (see below). Public feedback will be used to further develop a State Water Plan Draft Report, and public outreach meetings will be held in November 2021 to allow input to the report. We’ll keep you posted. Dear Illinois State Water Plan Task Force, Thank you for the opportunity to provide input on the revised water plan for the State of…
Public access to Illinois waterways
Illinois Department of Natural Resources working on the development of a revised State Water Plan. The public is invited to review the recommendations by the Task Force of each critical issue and provide feedback to ensure that the project is addressing everybody’s most important water-related needs in IL. Virtual public hearings (identical) were held May 25-27 by IDNR at https://www2.illinois.gov/dnr/WaterResources/Pages/StateWaterPlanTaskForce.aspx Prior to the Live Meetings, DNR suggest that you listen to the Recorded Summary to obtain a brief overview about each of the 13 identified critical issues. The presentation has been provided in both a video or slideshow format to allow viewing options. Recorded Summary Video Link: View Download Recorded Summary Slideshow Link: Link …
Petersburg Mayor Signs Earth Day Proclamation
Earth Day was established in 1970, and is an annual, worldwide event to raise awareness about issues affecting our land, air, and water. On April 2nd, Petersburg Mayor Rick Snyder signed a proclamation encouraging businesses, organizations, and individuals to participate in a city-wide litter clean-up on Earth Day, April 22, 2021, and throughout the year, to make Petersburg and Menard County Communities healthy and environmentally friendly.
Congratulations Menard Animal Protection
MENARD ANIMAL PROTECTION AWARDED GRANT TO FUND A PETERSBURG DOG PARK Menard Animal Protection (MAP), a local non profit, has been awarded funds by the Sedlak Vaughan Charitable Trust to construct a dog park and install pet waste stations in Petersburg. MAP is excited about the opportunity to partner with the City of Petersburg and local businesses to find suitable locations for these much-needed improvements. They will provide recreational opportunities for dog owners and their 4-legged friends. Three pet waste stations will be installed in dog walking areas when weather and soil conditions permit. The dog park will be a 100 X 75′ chain link fence enclosure and will include…
Earth Day 2021 — Pitch In for Petersburg!
Tired of seeing litter — cans, bottles, fast food wrappers, and more — strewn along our river front, in our parks, and along our streets and ditches? If everyone pitches in we can make a big difference in the appearance of our beautiful little city and health of our environment. Ways to Help Sign in at Hurie Park after work or school starting at 4:00 PM (or whenever you can get there) to get a trash bag, your free tote (while they last), and DQ cone coupon (while they last). We’ll assign you a location or you can tell us where you plan to pick up. Pick up around your…
Grist Mill on the Sangamon prints available online
Looking for a unique gift for someone special as well as a way to support a not-for-profit? Just in time for the holidays prints of the Grist Mill on the Sangamon River, at New Salem by Etta Ackerman are now available on our website. Check it out: https://menardcountytrailsandgreenways.org/grist-mill-on-the-sangamon-river/ You can pay via credit card or PayPal. Prices include shipping, but if you prefer you may pick prints up in Petersburg and save 30%. (Email me if you choose to pick up your order or have any questions or issues with the online process.) Many of you are familiar with the Grist Mill prints, but for those who are not…. The…