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Bike Committee Planning Meeting

Hand of Fate Brewery 107 E Douglas St, Petersburg, Illinois

If you're interested in helping plan the June 13 bike ride please join us at Hand of Fate on Sunday, March 8 at 2:00PM.

March MCTG Meeting

Petersburg City Hall 122 S. 6th Street, Petersburg, IL, United States

Join us for the Menard County Trails & Greenways March meeting. We have several events and activities lined for the coming year. Come find out what we have planned and how you can get involved! Tuesday, March 10, 2020 7 PM – 8 PM Petersburg City Hall 122 S. 6th Street Light refreshments will be provided.

Celebrate Earth Day: Pitch In for Petersburg, Put Litter in Its Place

Petersburg Petersburg

Menard County Trails & Greenways was planning to team up with organizations and businesses around Petersburg to celebrate Earth Day in Petersburg on Wednesday, April 22. Because of Covid-19 plans are on pause until we know more. In the meantime--Save the Date--whether we're working in community groups or as families, we urge everyone to plan on participating. We'll post details to Blog and Facebook page. Email us if you're interested in helping to plan or participate.

May MCTG Meeting

Join us for the Menard County Trails & Greenways May meeting. We'll hear from our Committee Chairs regarding past and future events and activities.  This will be the last meeting before the Wayside Celebration and Bike Ride in June. Come find out how you can get involved. Tuesday, May 12, 2020 7 PM – 8 PM RiverBank Lodge (lower level) 522 S 6th St Petersburg, IL 62675

Wayside Celebration-CANCELLED

Historic Wayside Park W5V3+XP Lake Petersburg, Illinois, Petersburg, Illinois

MCTG Covid-19 Response: Protecting the health, safety, and well-being of our members and supporters, MCTG has cancelled all public events until the threat of this highly contagious disease has passed. As soon as it's safe to do so, we will reschedule the Wayside Celebration. On Monday, June 1 at 5:30 PM we'll be at Wayside to celebrate the unveiling of the new sign dedicating the historic Wayside Hawthorn and the Wayside Pollinator Waystation. We'll hear from Trees Forever, Illinois Department of Transportation, Menard Electric Cooperative, and others. Light refreshments.

Menard County Trails & Greenways Bike Ride

Petersburg Petersburg

MCTG is partnering with the Springfield Bike Club to hold our first organized bike ride on June 13. There will be 3 routes departing from Petersburg ranging from 5 miles to 25 miles. Following the ride we'll reconvene for a social gathering. Please save the date and check back for registration details.

July MCTG Meeting/Member Picnic

Join us for the Menard County Trails & Greenways July meeting/picnic. Reminder:  dues are due in July. Individual $10; Family $20 Tuesday, May 14, 2020 7 PM – 8 PM Location to be announced.

September MCTG Meeting

We'll be discussing our options for previously scheduled events, including volunteering at Petersburg Harvest Fest on September 19, and the MCTG Fall Float on the Sangamon River in October in light of Covid-19 concerns and precautions.  The agenda will also include updates from the Trails, Wayside and Adopt-a-Highway committees. All welcome. 6:00 PM Location TBD

Sangamon River Watershed Celebration–CANCELLED

Due to Covid-19, this year's Watershed Celebration has been cancelled.  Sangamon River Alliance and University of Illinois Springfield, co-hosts of the event, will hopefully be able to reschedule for the fall of 2021. The event will kick off  with a Friday evening reception  at the UIS Sangamon Experience exhibit in the Public Affairs Center,  with  Saturday presentations, exhibits and demonstrations will taking place at the UIS Therkildsen Field Station on Lake Springfield.  Once we're able to safely plan for this exciting event we'll post updates here. Stayed tuned! 

Adopt-a-Highway Clean Up Oct 3rd

Main Entrance to New Salem X5G5+88, Lake Petersburg, IL, United States

Join Menard County Trails & Greenways on October 3rd for our early fall highway clean up. We take care of 2 miles of Rt 97 between the south end of New Salem State Historic Site and the south edge of Petersburg.  Meet at the main entrance to New Salem at 9:00 AM.  (map) provided Trash bags Safety vests Participants supply Gloves -- consider a pair of sturdy rubber gloves to minimize any Covid exposure Drinking water

MCTG Sangamon River Fall Float

Gudgel Road Bridge Launch W6WM+HH Athens, Illinois, Athens, IL, United States

Join Menard County Trails & Greenways members and friends Oct 10 for a DIY fall float on the Sangamon River. We will launch at 1pm from Gudgel Road Bridge and float five miles to New Salem State Historic Site where we will gather 'round a warm fire for physically distanced fellowship. We anticipate taking out at New Salem by approximately 4 pm. A DIY float means that participants must: bring and manage their own boats; arrange their own shuttles between launch and take-out; bring their own seats, food, and drink, if they choose to stick around after the float. Though the intent is to float at a Covid-safe distance from others, please bring/wear a mask just in case you are closer than 6 feet to a fellow paddler. Of course, we ask you to skip this float if you are feeling sick of or have symptoms. Registration is limited and closes October 8! We are asking participants to pay $5 to cover administrative costs.     Each Participant MUST: Register online before October 8, 2019 Sign a Waiver and Release of Liability form Provide a canoe or kayak and paddles Provide a PFD (personal flotation device) Manage their own boats, and arrange their own shuttles between launch and take-out. (Detailed launch and take-out site directions will be provided after online registration.) Cancellation Policy: In the event the float must be cancelled due to inclement weather or unsafe river conditions registrants will receive a full refund. Cancellation policy for participants: $5 ticket price will be 100% refunded if cancelled prior to October 8, 2020. Refunds will not be granted after October 8, 2020.


Growing Healthy Trees & Shrubs Workshop

Three Pines Petersburg 510 W Sheridan Rd, Petersburg, IL, United States

MCTG, Trees Forever and Three Pines Petersburg are teaming up to host a workshop on Growing Healthy Trees and Shrubs on October 24th at Three Pines Petersburg.  10:00 AM to Noon.  Want to add trees and shrubs to your landscape, but don’t know quite where to start? Got questions about what kind of trees would be best for your property? In partnership with Menard County Trails & Greenways, Debbie Fluegel with Trees Forever, will give an informative presentation about what to plant, where to plant, how to plant, and how to care for your trees. The talk will focus on trees  and shrubs in the community and those that are beneficial to pollinators and other wildlife. After the presentation, attendees will get some hands-on tree and shrub planting experience. This event is free and open to the public!  What to bring Gloves Shovel (if you have one) A chair to sit in during the "classroom" instruction portion Questions! rain date In the event of rain on October 24th, the event will be rescheduled for the same time on the following Saturday, October 31 (costumes optional!). Covid-19 Precautions Please wear a mask when you're unable to be at least 6 feet away from other participants. Do not attend if you are feeling ill or have symptoms. Download a flyer!  

Menard County Trails & Greenways Zoom Meeting

Virtual Zoom Meeting

Join us on February 9th at 7:00 PM for an informative Zoom meeting -- everyone welcome! There will be a presentation on two new Trails & Greenways projects: the New Salem Habitat Restoration Project and the creation of a Virtual Tour of the Sangamon River, with discussion to follow about how you can get involved in either or both! Please register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Adopt-a-Highway Clean Up

Wagon Wheel New Salem State Historic Site 39.975767, -89.841640, Petersburg, IL, United States

The Menard County Trails & Greenways 2021 Adopt-a-Highway season is kicking off this Saturday!   Meet at the main entrance to New Salem off Rte. 97 at 9:00 AM to take care of our 2-mile IDOT Adopt-A-Highway segment that runs from the south edge of New Salem to the south end of Petersburg.   We will supply trash bags and safety vests (if you have one our safety vests please bring it).   Please wear gloves, long pants, closed-toed shoes or boots. Please wear a mask and practice social distancing when interacting with other volunteers.

Spring Nature Walks at New Salem

New Salem East Side X5C7+72 Lewisburg, Illinois, IL, United States

Spring is a great time to get out and enjoy the sights and sounds of the forest. Join Menard County Trails & Greenways on April 18th at New Salem State Historic Site to explore the trails on the East Side of the park. Check in at our tent located in the parking lot of the old restaurant. We'll have: Volunteers available to describe the various trails and help you decide which one(s) your friends and family might like to explore. Trail maps available for self-guided exploration. Guided walks available on the hour from 1:00 to 4:00 PM.  What to expect:  Cardinal Trail and Shickshack Trails are each approximately 1 mile in length on the ridge top through the woods; both are relatively flat and kid friendly. Both trails connect to other two other trails--Shady Hollow and Damselfly--which connect to each other at the bottom of the ridge at the Sangamon River. It's possible to do all four trails for a nice 3.5 to 4 mile hike--though there is significant elevation change to consider. Recommended: Sturdy footwear and drinking water (we'll have a water cooler available for refilling your water bottle, but please arrive with a full bottle.) We'll be following current CDC guidelines. Please wear a mask and maintain 6 feet between people when interacting with others besides your family or circle of friends. Rain date: May 2nd, 1:00-5:00 PM

Celebrate Earth Day

Hurie Park 2564+VR Petersburg, Illinois, Petersburg, IL, United States

Pitch In for Petersburg! Join friends, neighbors and sponsors on Earth Day to clean up the litter from our parks and neighborhoods. Ways to Participate: Sign in at Hurie Park after work or school starting at 4:00 PM (or whenever you can get there) to get a trash bag, your free tote (while they last), and DQ cone coupon (while they last). Pick up around your neighborhood or other locations you regularly see litter. Bring your bag(s) to Hurie before 6:00 PM to claim your free tote (while they last), and DQ cone coupon (while they last).  Or take a selfie with your team and your trash bags to claim your tote and DQ cone. If you've been contacted by an organization or employer to help out, then there's no need to sign in with us at Hurie. Stay Safe - Practice CDC guidelines: wear masks when closer than 6', wash and sanitize hands; gloves will be available! For more details and a list of our amazing sponsors, click here! Download (and share) the flyer here! Rain Date:   In case of rain, we'll reschedule. Check back here or Facebook for updates.

Postponed to Sunday – Garlic Mustard Invasive Species Pull at New Salem

New Salem East Side X5C7+72 Lewisburg, Illinois, IL, United States

Rain is in the forecast for Saturday, so we're postponing to Sunday.  Volunteers needed! On Saturday, April 24th, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM, Menard County Trails & Greenways will hold a Garlic Mustard Pull at New Salem State Historic Site.   Rain Date: April 25th - same time!! Learn how to identify and carefully remove garlic mustard before it goes to seed and further spreads through the area. Don't know what garlic mustard is, or why it's a problem? Check out this short video produced by Iowa State University. Volunteers will be required to sign a IDNR volunteer form and waiver (available at check in), and all must wear close-toed shoes, long sleeves and pants. Gloves are optional. Those under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Download Flyer!

MCTG Board Meeting

New Salem Riverside Picnic Area X5C9+27 Petersburg, Illinois, United States

The Menard County Trails & Greenways bi-monthly board meeting will take place in person for the first time in a long time!  We'll gather around a campfire -- so bring your own chair.  Everyone welcome to attend. Please be COVID aware. If you've not been vaccinated stay at least 6' apart from others. If you're feeling ill or have been exposed, please stay home.

Growing Healthy Trees & Shrubs Workshop

Three Pines Petersburg 510 W Sheridan Rd, Petersburg, IL, United States

MCTG, Trees Forever, Starhill Arboretum and Three Pines Petersburg are teaming up to host a workshop on Growing Healthy Trees and Shrubs on May 15th at Three Pines Petersburg.  1:00PM to 3:00PM.  Want to add trees and shrubs to your landscape, but don’t know quite where to start? Got questions about what kind of trees would be best for your property? In partnership with Menard County Trails & Greenways, Debbie Fluegel with Trees Forever and Guy Sternberg with Starhill Arboretum will share tips and tricks about what to plant, where to plant, how to plant, and how to care for your trees and shrubs. The talk will focus on native trees  and shrubs in the community and those that are beneficial to pollinators and other wildlife. After the presentation, attendees will get some hands-on experience planting trees and shrubs that are wrapped in burlap. This event is free and open to the public!  What to bring Gloves A chair to sit in during the "classroom" instruction portion Questions! Rain date In the event of rain on May 15th, the event will be rescheduled for the same time on the following day, Sunday, May 16th. Covid-19 Precautions Please bring a mask to wear when you're unable to be at least 6 feet away from other participants. Do not attend if you are feeling ill or have symptoms. Download a flyer!