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Work Day at The Wolf Preserve

The Wolf Preserve 13619 Boy Scout Trail, Petersburg, IL, United States

The Friends of Sangamon Valley (FOSV) board members invite you to spend a spring afternoon helping with invasive species removal while enjoying the spring wildflowers and abundance of songbirds at the Wolf Preserve. No experience is necessary. Wear your favorite work clothes and close-toed shoes. Bring along gloves if you like. All tools are provided along with detailed instructions related to the planned tasks. Independent and group projects are available. And two hours is not mandatory. If you can only help for a portion of the time, we welcome your assistance. If you have questions, please contact Angela Funk, Executive Director, at 217-494-3115 or The Wolf Preserve is located on Boy Scout Trail. Enter 39.960344 - 89.814431 into your navigation app or call/email for more information. There will also be directional signs from Route 97 and Gudgel Road.