Pollinator Plants for Your Garden — Part 3
This is Part 3 of a 4 part blog series describing 12 easy-to-grow plants for attracting pollinators (butterflies, bees, etc) to your garden. If you missed Parts 1 and 2, you can read Part 1 here; read Part 2 here. The 12 species discussed in the series are all available for free (while supplies last!) a locations around Petersburg–see December 12th blog, Create Your Own Pollinator Habitat at Home, for details.
Pollinator Plants for Your Garden – Part 2
This is Part 2 of a 4 part blog series describing 12 easy-to-grow plants for attracting pollinators (butterflies, bees, etc) to your garden. If you missed Part 1 last week, you can read it here. The 12 species discussed in the series are all available for free (while supplies last!)–see December 12th blog, Create Your Own Pollinator Habitat at Home, for details.
Pollinator Plants for your Garden – Part 1
This is the first of a 4 part blog series describing 12 easy-to-grow plants for attracting pollinators (butterflies, bees, etc) to your garden. In addition, most of the species provide birds with seed in the winter–so don’t cut back plants until late spring!! The 12 species are all available for free (while supplies last!)–see December 12th blog, Create Your Own Pollinator Habitat at Home, for details. Each Thursday through January 5th we’ll feature 3 of the 12 plants with detailed descriptions of the plants as well as specific sowing instructions. Note however, for those that say to direct sow in spring, you may actually direct sow them in late fall/winter. In nature…
Create Your Own Pollinator Habitat at Home
Wanting to add more pollinator habitat at home? Look no further: native plant seed packets will be available in Petersburg this week! You can find displays at the Petersburg Public Library, 1st and 3rd Boutique, the Talisman, and the Crazy Daisy Gift Shop. This year we are offering a dozen colorful species collected primarily from the plantings on Petersburg’s square. The packets are free, but we welcome donations that support Menard County Trails & Greenways. The displays will be restocked until we run out! Wondering how to choose? Follow along as we highlight these 12 species in upcoming posts! Wondering how to plant them? Follow the detailed planting instructions on the…
Sip n’ Sow Workshop
Sip n’ Sow Seed Sowing Workshop 1st & 3rd Boutique & Wine Bar January 12th from 5:30 to 7:30 Limited to 30 Registered Participants — Fill Form Below to Register It’s never too soon to think of spring! Join some adult-only fun at the Sip n’ Sow Workshop! Sip a glass of wine and sow some native flower seeds for your summer garden. Native plants attract pollinators and serve as butterfly host plants, including many species growing on the square in Petersburg. The evening will kick off with a slide presentation with photos and discussion of some of the species that will be available. Participants will then use the winter…
Fall Float 2022
The 2022 Trails & Greenways Annual Sangamon River Fall Float was a great success! Forty floaters enjoyed the beautiful autumn weather and toasty after-float campfire. Thanks to ALL who attended. And thank you ALL who helped out to make the event possible: Jennifer Satorius, Libby Shawgo, David Hedrick, Chris Rudin, Doug VanNattan, Edie Sternberg, Karen Erchinger, Michael Wiant, Scott Hewitt, Dan Robertson, Peg Robertson and Terri Treacy. Thank you PORTA (school bus shuttle) and Dairy Queen (hot dog trays).
Sangamon River Cleanup
On Friday, September 9, a small group of MCTG members spent a few hours cleaning up the Sangamon River near Hurie Park. On and around a sandbar located just below the Petersburg dam, the group hauled away about 10 bags of garbage and 20 tires from the river, otherwise known as “aquatic trash.” This trash can be harmful to fish and other wildlife that live in and around the river, as well as the humans who enjoy the river, plus it’s just ugly! Big thank you to the City of Petersburg for hauling away the garbage!
Route 97 Proposed Improvements–Public comments sought
If you were unable to attend last evening’s public informational meeting regarding IDOT’s Proposed Improvements to IL 97 and IL 123, you may submit your comments via snail mail or email. Comments will be accepted until July 5th. Link to Proposal and Comment Form Your comments should include the following. Proposed IL Route 97 & IL Route 123 Improvements Your Name Address City Telephone number Email address The best way to contact you (Email, Mail, Both). Send your comments to: Jeff Myers, PE Region 4 Engineer Illinois Department of Transportation 126 East Ash Springfield, Illinois 62704-4792 or Attention: Jay Edwards, PE Jay.Edwards@illinois.gov
Let Our Voices Be Heard — Build a Dedicated Hike & Bike Path Linking New Salem Historic Site with Petersburg
For years Trails & Greenways has advocated for a safe hike / bike path linking New Salem State Historic Site with Petersburg. The time has arrived to ensure this goal is finally realized. Next Tuesday, June 21 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at PORTA high school, the Illinois Department of Transportation will be hosting an open house public meeting about roadway improvements to IL 97 and IL 123 from New Salem through Petersburg. The meeting will provide exhibits and maps for viewing, and IDOT representatives and consultants from the engineering firm of Thouvenot, Wade and Moerchen will be available to answer questions and gather public input about the project. It’s…
Trash Taskforce: Good Clean Fun
Join the Menard County Trails and Greenways (MCTG) and Petersburg Athletic Association’s (PAA) Trash Taskforce as we clean up litter around Petersburg! We will pick up litter at several parks and spaces around town on Saturday, April 2, from 9:30 – 11am (Rain Date: April 9 or 10 – TBD). We need your help! Meet at Hurie Park (just east of County Market) to register and pick up supplies. We will be clearing out litter from the parks and surrounding vacant lots. Whether you have 30 minutes or a full hour, every little bit counts! To thank you for helping to keep our community clean, and on a first-come, first-serve…