Board Directors:

Menard County Trails & Greenways is a board-driven non-for-profit, with no paid staff. The Board currently consists of 12 members elected by the membership. Board terms are 2 years, with elections occurring at the Annual Meeting in July.

  • Terri Treacy, President (FY21) (FY23)
  • Jennifer Satorius, Vice President (FY21) (FY23)
  • Libby Shawgo, Secretary (FY21) (FY23)
  • Robin Tallman, Treasurer (FY24)
  • Jason DeBoer (FY22)  (FY24)
  • Kent Massie (FY21) (FY23)
  • Douglas Pope (FY22) (FY24)
  • Dan Robertson (FY21) (FY23 for a 1-year term) (FY24)
  • Chris Rudin (FY21) (FY23)
  • Guy Sternberg (FY21) (FY23 for a 1-year term) (FY24)
  • Michael Wiant (FY24)
  • Vacant

The board normally meets on the 2nd Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September and November. The July meeting is concurrent with the Annual Membership meeting and board director elections.

Our fiscal year (FY) runs from July 1 to June 30. Board Minutes since FY2010 are available for viewing on Google at this url.

Newsletters & Annual Reports


Our Beginnings

Menard County Trails & Greenways began in 1999 as a Menard County committee, tasked with developing a comprehensive plan for trails and greenways in Menard County. The plan was  administered by the Menard County Trails Committee who prepared the plan for the Menard County Board of Commissioners. The Comprehensive Plan for Trails and Greenways in Menard County was finalized and published in 2001. Upon completion of the Plan, the Trails Committee chose to continue to work together to implement the Plan. Therein, Menard County Trails & Greenways formed. 

Menard County Trails & Greenways is supported 100% by tax deductible donations.