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Athens Library Winter Seed Sowing Workshop

Athens Municipal Library 410 E Hargrave Street, Athens, IL, United States

Join us for another Winter Seed Sowing Workshop at the Athens Public Library! This interactive workshop is perfect for both beginners and seasoned gardeners looking to learn about winter sowing techniques. Details: What to Expect: Enjoy a relaxed, fun atmosphere with fellow gardeners.

Sip n’ Sow Winter Seed Sowing Workshop

1st & 3rd Boutique & Wine Bar 105 S 7th St, Petersburg, Illinois, United States

Join some adult-only fun at the Sip n’ Sow Workshop! Sip a glass of wine and sow some native flower seeds for your summer garden. Native plants attract pollinators and serve as butterfly host plants, including many species growing on the square in Petersburg. See details HERE. Please RSVP.


Winter Nature Series at RiverBank Lodge with Mike Wiant

The Land of Lincoln: The Sangamon Valley landscape in the early 19th century Michael Wiant will present a program on the vegetation of the Sangamon River valley in 1822. To facilitate public land purchases, surveyors established the township and range system and noted vegetation at section intersections, which the General Land Office used to produce maps. The maps and line descriptions provide a glimpse of the landscape Lincoln found when he arrived in the Sangamon River Valley. Dr. Wiant was a member of the Illinois State Museum staff for 35 years and lives near Petersburg with his wife, Terri Treacy. Light refreshments provided. RSVPs appreciated--217-632-0202

Winter Nature Series at RiverBank Lodge with Terri Treacy

Volunteer Habitat Restoration Project at Lincoln's New Salem Historic Site Terri Treacy will present a program regarding Menard County Trails & Greenways volunteer-driven removal of bush honeysuckle and other invasive species from designated project areas at Lincoln’s New Salem Historic Site. Terri will explain how the project was initiated and the progress that has been made to date. Terri is the project leader and president of Trails & Greenways, a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. She and her husband, Michael Wiant, live in Petersburg. Light refreshments provided. RSVPs appreciated--217-632-0202

The wonderful watery world of river ecology! And, Chris Vallilo Concert!

Dive into the wonderful watery world of river ecology with Dr. Jason DeBoer, Large River Scientist with the Illinois Natural History Survey!  Jason’s presentation will explain why rivers are important ecosystems, describe some of the threats our local rivers face, and explore some of the wild, weird, and downright wacky fish and other animals that call our rivers home.  There’s bound to be a few ‘fish tales’ shared too, and definitely a lot of big-fish pictures! Immediately following Jason's presentation we're excited to bring to you Chris Vallilo, Chris is a singer/songwriter, and roots musician who makes the people and places of “unmetropolitan” America come to life in song. His recent project “Forgottonia” tells the story of West Central Illinois and, through song, brings to life the forgotten history of our rural region. If you know Chris, we already know you'll be there! If you haven't yet had the pleasure of experiencing a Chris Vallillo concert, you're in for a real treat--you do not want to miss it. This is the first in the 2025 Trails & Greenways' Ways to Discovery Chautauqua Series. RiverBank Lodge is fully accessible, ensuring everyone can participate.
