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Electronics Recycling Event

April 5 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Menard County residents will have the opportunity to get rid of electronic devices that are no longer working or outdated.

Acceptable items include answer­ing machines, battery backups and UPS, camcorders, cameras, cellular and mobile phones, Christmas tree lights, computer peripherals such as keyboards and mice, desktop computers, DVD and CD players, fax machines, ink cartridges, laptop computers, mailroom equipment, networking equipment and cables, pagers. point of sale equipment, power and accessory cables, power tools including batteries, printers, projectors, radios, receivers, satel­lite and cable equipment, speakers, smart phones, surge suppressors and power rips, tablets, telephones, toner, VCRs, video game consoles and walkie-talkies.

Fees of $20 will be charged for CRT and flat screen televisions, $40 for projection and console tele­visions, and $10 for CRT and flat screen monitors.

Please contact BLH Computers at 217-585-1580 for large office print­ers or to inquire about items that are not on the list.

Unacceptable items include mi­crowaves, kitchen items, dehumid­ifiers and humidifiers, vacuums, appliances, broken glass or rubbish.


April 5
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category:


BLH Computers, Menard County Board of Commissioners, Central Illinois Services, Menard County Jaycees


Menard County Courthouse Parking Lot
102 South 7th Street
Petersburg, IL 62675 United States
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